Why Is Church Membership Important?

How times have changed when it comes to church membership.

The ease at which membership can be dismissed is a sign of today’s culture. Church membership now means something different to each person joining a church. There is the person who wants membership just for the sake of being a member. This person doesn’t plan to connect to the church in attendance, financial support, or engaging in ministry and service. Their name is merely on the church roll. Then, there are those who are consumers looking for a church that makes them feel good – a place with a great nursery, kids program, music ministry, and a preacher that preaches about suggestions rather than about the authority of God’s Word and the importance of spiritual growth.

The directives of Matthew 28:19-20 give us as the church clear marching orders. Go means go, but we don’t want to go. First, we must understand that evangelism is an important part of our DNA structure. We are to tell a dying world about the hope that is in Christ, the good news of the gospel, and what it means for God and man to be reconciled back together. After a person accepts Christ, the next component is being a disciple of Christ – a follower, allowing Christ to be Lord and Master of his or her life. The next step is often misinterpreted as what saves someone, even though you achieve salvation beforehand: baptism. Following that up with teaching to observe all that Jesus commanded is what ultimately makes good church members.

We must understand that evangelism is an important part of our DNA structure.


Today, there is a great need to correctly teach people what this means and how this change of life works itself out in their new life with Christ. They are to become Christ-like. If one gets salvation right, then membership will not be an issue – they go hand in hand. It’s time to go, pursue the way of salvation that leads to membership, and ultimately disciple others to become Christ-like.

Do you have questions about the importance of church membership? Tweet me @byronwmcgee or send a private message to the Cornerstone Facebook page and I’ll be happy to answer your questions.

To learn more about becoming a member of Cornerstone, visit our “Become A Member” page.

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