Sermon 1: The Sufficiency of Christ
Chances are you’ve heard the biblical account of Jesus feeding the 5,000. Most people interpret this account to mean that Jesus can supply all of your needs. This is without a doubt true, but the point of this passage is knowing and understanding the sufficiency of Christ. As Pastor McGee explores this biblical account in John 6, we find that Christ is all that we will ever need.
Sermon 2: Miracle on the Water
The disciples have just seen Jesus perform the miracle of feeding 5,000 people, yet when they see Jesus walking on water during a storm they are frightened. How many of us have seen Jesus work in our life in the past, yet when we see Him doing it again we are afraid? In this sermon, Pastor McGee urges us to put our faith in Jesus by putting Him into our boat of life.
Sermon 3: The True Bread
We live in a culture where bread sometimes is looked at as not a necessity for our every day diet. In John chapter 6, Pastor McGee examines what it means for our spiritual nourishment when Jesus identifies himself as “I am the bread of life”.
Sermon 4: Jesus Is Life
Continuing in John chapter 6, Pastor McGee examines how Jesus is Life. He is life not only here on earth, but for believers He offers us eternal life.
Sermon 5: How Do You Like Me Now?
Jesus, after talking about eternal life knew that His disciples were grumbling. They claimed that the words He was speaking were too hard. How many of us today find the words of Jesus and the bible too hard? Pastor McGee looks at Jesus’ response to the disciples grumbling.
Sermon 6: Who Is Jesus?
In John chapter 7 there is a plot to kill Jesus by the Jews. He was facing death because of the message He was giving. Have you ever faced ridicule for standing for the gospel? In the world today, we can either blend in with the world or stand out because of the message of Jesus Christ. Pastor Byron examines the fact that standing with Jesus is not always popular.
Sermon 7: Jesus’ Declaration to the Jews
Have you ever done something bold for the Lord? Sometimes, that decision is not always popular. In John chapter 7, Jesus makes a bold move. He attends a feast with the Jews, the same people who want to kill Him. Not only does He attend the feast but He begins teaching when it gets there.
Sermon 8: Can This Be the Christ
Do you question Jesus? Questioning the power and authority of Jesus is nothing new.
Sermon 9: Thirst for Living Water
When you hear the Word of God does it change you? A true change starts when we thirst for living water.